Cleaning of rooms and offices
Corporate catering

  • Уборка помещений и офисов
  • Организация корпоративного питания
  • Аутсорсинг/аутстафинг персонала
  • Комплексное обслуживание зданий и сооружений
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+7 7292 302 500

Certificates and licenses

SKAD Industries company is certified in the provision of cleaning and catering services, as well as catering, quality standard ISO 14001: 2006.

Клининг SKAD Industries



LLC «SKAD Industries» was established in 2014 and is a service company with 100% participation of Kazakhstan, to provide contracting services to catering and cleaning.

To date, the company has in its assets mobile residential cars, mobile kitchen and a mobile dressing room with laundry.

The main activities are:

  • Cleaning services - cleaning of premises and areas, laundry service.
  • Catering services - providing and catering on the premises and on remote locations, delivery food.

The founders of the company, making her look at long-term plans, not for nothing that the title contains the word "Industries," which translated to English means "Industry", as a large segment including a plurality of directions in business.


In 2015, the company received two Certificates of Conformity:

  • ST RK ISO 14001-2006 (ISO 14001: 2004) "Environmental management systems Requirements with guidance for use."
  • ST RK ISO 9001-2009 (ISO 9001: 2008) "Quality Management System requirements"
  • ST RK ISO 22000-2006 (ISO 22000: 2005) "Food safety management requirements for any organization in the chain of production"

Every day we are working on the quality of services, seeking to provide a high level of professionalism and satisfaction of our customers. We invest in the development of our employees, creating new jobs. Certificate of domestic suppliers of works and services said that in choosing a supplier of food and household goods products, we give priority to domestic producers. Working with us, you get a high quality of service, efficiency and integrity!


Company's mission

Our goal is very simple - to meet the demands of our customers and to unload their responsibilities! Our employees at all levels of the company, adhere to the general principle of excellence in quality, value and service, and have certificates of fire, industrial and environmental safety measures.

Priorities of the company:

  • Quality service
  • A complex approach
  • The customer comes first
  • Team of professionals
  • Kazakhstan content in GWS

We perform works on cleaning the premises and adjacent areas for legal entities and individuals. We respect our customers and to improve the image of the company carry out cleaning services at the professional level.

We will be glad to see you among our customers!


Letters of thanks of our satisfied customers


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  • 130000, Aktau, district 29A, building №75, opposite Bektrans base.
  • +7 (7292) 302 500
  • +7 701 962 98 95
  • +7 702 120 26 12
  • +7 777 311 10 26
  • +7 707 303 57 46
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SKAD Industries © 2016.
All rights reserved.